Affirmations are Powerful

by | Feb 9, 2021 | Patient Education

AFFIRMATIONS ARE POWERFUL!  They are positive words or phrases that can be used to remind us of what is true.  Affirmations can have a tremendous influence on overall well-being and self-esteem.  As powerful as they are for adults, they can be just as powerful—and healthy—for children.  We’d like to share some tips for how to practice self-affirmations with children.

Start Simple

  • Help your child come up with one self-affirmation such as “I am loved,” or “I believe in myself.”
  • Pair this declaration of self-worth with another positive habit or daily task so that it becomes repeatable. For example, every time they brush their teeth, they recite their affirmation.
  • Lead by example and share your own affirmations with them, and how they work for you.
  • Leave them little notes (in their lunch bag, or backpack) with their affirmations.

Create an Affirmation Board

  • Start with poster board, cork board, or canvas
  • Create visual affirmations, goals, and dreams with magazine/newspaper clippings or hand written drawings and messages
  • Hang the Affirmation Board some place that they can see it daily

Draw Affirmations on the Mirror

  • Use washable markers or sticky notes to write self-affirmation notes on the mirror

Build an Affirmation “Treasure Chest”

  • Build or buy a wooden treasure box (or cardboard box, tissue box etc.)
  • Have your child write the words “I AM” on the outside, and decorate it however they want
  • Make coins or “treasure” out of cardboard shapes that are big enough to write an affirmation on
  • Have your child pick “treasure” out of the chest daily or weekly to reinforce their affirmations

Affirmation Bracelets

  • Help your child choose/declare an affirmation
  • Gather materials from your local craft store to design their own affirmation bracelet: letters, beads, yarn, charms, etc.
  • Use the letters to spell out their affirmation and design the bracelet with their own flair

Whether your child uses one of these ideas, or creates their own unique way to celebrate their affirmations, we hope that these daily, positive reminders will help bring a sense of confidence and joy into their lives.  These same ideas can be used to help with goal setting as well.  We would love to see how your family celebrates self-affirmation!  Share your story with us on Instagram @Dr.LantzyCompleteHealthDental or Facebook @ Robert Lantzy DMD, Bucks County Dental.  #affirmations