Back to School Awareness

by | Sep 12, 2024 | Blog

The quality of the air we breathe influences more than just our lungs. It resonates with our cardiovascular system and even our mental well-being. Persistent mouth breathing especially if acquired during childhood can beget complications.

Dr. Lantzy’s “Guided Growth and Development” program is focused on the growth and development of a child’s airway. Using a series of guides that progress at different stages of a child’s development, the guide system essentially lays the framework for a healthier airway and in the process Dr. Lantzy can help steer the teeth into the correct position, developing a straight smile with healthy occlusion, often precluding the need for orthodontics later in a child’s life.

“There are children who are getting medicated for ADHD,” Dr. Lantzy says, “but in reality, they may have a sleep disorder caused by a developmental problem.” A sleep study can be an early step to diagnose sleep disorders.

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Read the full Suburban Life article.