SuburbanLife Article – Vivos System

SuburbanLife Article – Vivos System

For patients who find their CPAP miserable to wear, inconvenient when traveling, or useless when there is no power (during thunderstorms, hurricanes, or when camping), an oral sleep device can be a lifesaver. Our oral sleep devices help you breathe easy without a...

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April Clean Up Initiative Update

April Clean Up Initiative Update

Marg here....Circling back to the April Clean Up Initiative. From projects that began when I didn't expect them... like closet racks coming off the wall with a great Boom! And clearing belongings for my parents who passed continuing spring cleaning projects in...

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What is Malocclusion?

What is Malocclusion?

Malocclusion is defined as imperfect positioning of the teeth when the jaws are closed; in plain terms “crooked teeth”. Why is this a problem? Malocclusion creates abnormal stress on teeth and jaws which in turn leads to chipping and premature wear. Premature wear can...

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Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Mouth cancer can affect 650, 000 people worldwide according to the Mouth Cancer Foundation and according to Eva Grazel, a survivor of oral cancer and motivational speaker, oral cancer kills one American every hour of every day. Marg happened to run into @evagrayzel...

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